The British Presence
in Southern Patagonia

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"Anglo" names from the book by Robert Riddell

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You are here:  Home Page  >  Name lists  >   Robert Riddell memories

Robert Riddell was born in 1888 in Valparaíso, Chile, of Scottish parents. His father Robert and uncle Thomas operated a department store. In 1909 Robert was hired by the Sociedad Explotadora de Tierra del Fuego as a cadet, and was assigned to work at Puerto Bories, close to Puerto Natales, province of Última Esperanza (Last Hope, in English). This autobiography recounts some of the adventures and escapades that he experienced during the years leading up to the First World War.

The people mentioned by Riddell and listed here either were British, or had "anglo"-sounding names. The reader should be cautious in interpreting this list: there are many nicknames.

last/first name 1st ref. page# location information
Alfred 135 Bories cadet
Bannock 43 Laforet Peninsula capataz; formerly a Highland policeman
Berkeley, "Baby" 124 Bories Australian; transferred from Uslesss Bay; deputy manager, replacing Donaldson
Buckham, Jimmy 132 Bories skipper of the "Emma"
Cameron, A. A. 16 Punta Arenas general manager; "Brass Hat"
Cameron, George 86 Bories manager of Castillo; brother of A. A. Cameron
Campbell, Adam 81 Bories sheep-buyer from the Coast
Chace, Ned 46 Santa Cruz American
"Chico" 35 Bories cadet; Welsh extraction; born in Argentina; cattleman; skilled at making horsegear
Christie, Mr. 18 Punta Arenas secretary to A. A. Cameron
Clapcott, Frank 62 Dos Lagunas head shepherd; New Zealander by birth; Scotophile; unmarried; "Old Frank"
Clarke, "Jumbo" 102 Castillo New Zealander, horse-tamer
Claude 35 Bories farm engineer
Collins 20 Punta Arenas woolclasser, from Bradford
Donaldson 35 Bories deputy manager; New Zealander; native of Stonehaven; nickname "Flintface"; later, manager at Oazy Harbour
Emmett [Emmott], Bill 48 Laforet Peninsula ex-sailor; from Shropshire
Ferrie, Jimmy 156 Bories native of Glasgow; volunteered in 1914
Forbes, Wullie 67 Dorotea sheep musterer
Goldsmith, Mrs. 128 Bories housekeeper at Staff House
"Grande" 41 Bories older brother of "Chico"; head of Cattle Section
Herrick, George 98 Bories older brother of Walter Herrick; manager of Río Zurdo farm
Herrick, Walter 17 Bories manager; "The Boss"; later, appointed general manager of Aysen Company
Lillie 21 Punta Arenas hotelier
Murdo 64 Dos Lagunas sheep musterer
"Old Henry" 45 Laforet Peninsula cook; elderly; cribbage player
Poole 21 not stated former captain of the "Emma"; notorious; shot
Rhodes 35 Bories cadet; later, transferred to Oazy Harbour
Robbie 35 Bories deputy engineer, Boer War veteran
Smith 146 Bories cannery manager; nickname "Old Blithery"
"The Dowager" 96 Bories mother of Herrick brothers
Trevor 102 Castillo deputy manager
Source: "First Love - Last Hope", Robert Riddell, A J Chapple (Bala Press), London, 1960
Thanks: Robert Lemaire
Page created: 21-IV-2016
Last updated: 22-IV-2016