The British Presence
in Southern Patagonia

++  Letters to father, by Claude Jacobs (1899)  ++

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[The writer was 9 years old]

Calle Roca
Punta Arenas
Straits of Magelan

June 24 1899

My dear Papa

I hope you are well, we are all well. Mother is very worried because she has not had a Telegram. Please give my love to all my cousins Auntie Rosie and Auntie Fannie Uncle John Uncle Joe / The weather has been rather warm. An American Man of War came in. Uncle Max came and brought mother a big lion skin, and a pair of ostrich wings. Grandma sent us a lot of stamps. Mother went to the Theater three times. I am sending a ship I drew for Uncle John. Last night it froze and the roads are dry. Mr West and Mr Campos came to tea on Sunday. The Flecha has gone to Gallegos. Mr Bauman sent us some sweets that he made. The Albatross struck a rock in Camerones [Camarones, Ed.] Bay. and sunk / I send my love and kisses

I remain
Your ever loving son

Original pages: 1st ; 2nd

Punta Arenas
July 6 1899

My dear Papa

How are you, we are all well. The Sunday before last we went to see the skating / The Santa Cruz came in last week. Another English Man of War came in. It has been snowing very hard, we have been throwing snowballs / We got the letter you sent from England. We have a new game that Uncle Max gave us. The Priests are rafling a tea service. They have nearly finished mending the Mole / Please give my love to my Aunts and Uncles and Cousins. On Cicels [Cecil's, Ed.] birthday I got a steam launch and a book and pencil

I remain
Your loving son

Thanks: Michael Rank
Updated: 4-V-2009