The British Presence
in Southern Patagonia

+  +  Region of south-west Chubut, Argentina  +  +
Early "British" settlement (1896-1919)

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Note: Although the Río Senguer department falls outside of the geographical area covered by the PatBrit web-site, these names (taken from official land records) may be useful to locate settlers who later moved into or had relations with regions further south. The term "English" is used consistently to include Scots.

1906 Brooks, John English Valle Huemules
1910 Cunningham, George Irish Lago Blanco
1910 Cunningham, Jorge Patricio North American Lago Blanco
1919 Doran, Guillermo Willie Irish Lago Blanco
1906 Gilmour, Diego Argentine Pampa de Apeleg
1915 Grier, Guillermo + Ricardo Argentine Pampa de Apeleg
1915 Hogland, Sander English Lago Blanco (left 1916)
1912 Hudson, Guillermo English Valle Huemules (left 1916)
1915 Johnston, James n/a Pastos Blancos
1913 MacLeod, Angus English Arroyo Verde
1916 MacLeod, Angus English Lago Blanco (murdered 1920)
1916 MacPhail, Angus English Pastos Blancos
1918 Macdonald, Alejandro English Arroyo del Gato
1917 MacDonald, Angus English Arroyo Verde
1915 Macdonald, Ricardo Lachlan English Pastos Blancos (left 1918)
1908 Noble, John North American Valle Huemules
1896 Richard, Guillermo Welsh upper reaches of Río Mayo
1917 Small, Winand Boer northwest C. Ensanche Sarmiento
1916 Stewart, Thomas English El Cantao
1916 Sutherland, Donald English Lago Blanco
1913 Thomas, Williams Welsh headwaters of Río Mayo
1918 Urquhart, Alejandro English upper reaches of Río Senguer
1917 Watson, Guillermo Enrique Boer Pampa de Apeleg
1914 Watt, Alejandro English Arroyo del Gato

Source: "La colonización del oeste de la Patagonia central, Departamento Río Senguer, Chubut 1890-1919", Alejandro Aguado, pub. Fondo Editorial Provincial, Gobierno del Chubut, 2005
Thanks: Magdalena Rosas O. (IV-2010)
Updated: 11-IV-2010