The British Presence
in Southern Patagonia
+ + Family Photo Album + +
John Patterson : People around Río Gallegos
[Patterson--Cottrell family biography]
Can you help to identify any of these people? ¿Nos
puede ayudar a identificar a alguien?
(1) Mixed group, c1930 (John Patterson at extreme left) |
(2) Skaters, 1927-1932 |
(3) Group of men relaxing, c1930 (John Patterson at centre) |
(4) Elizabeth Patterson (left) and Milly Walker (right), 1927-1930;
in gallery of the Patterson home (25 de Mayo c/ Maipú) |

(5) Rodolfo Mortensen, freemason

(6) Hans Mau
(lodged 3 years with the Pattersons) |
(7) Golfers, c1930 |
(8) (far left) Willie Hepburn; (far right) Bert Masters
(Estancia Anita?) |
(9) C. P. Henstock, hunting rhea, c1930 |
(10) John and Elizabeth Patterson with
son Keith, c1930 |
(11) John Patterson with Zulema Kirchner (?), c1943
(12) John Patterson with
Zulema and Delia Kirchner (?), c1943 |
(13) 1943; (seated, left-right) Leonard Garrard, Ray Gallie, John Patterson,
Olive Garrard;
(front row children, left-right) Paul Garrard, Peter Garrard, Chris Kennard,
Pat Garrard |
Thanks: Liz Patterson (VIII-2010)
Last updated: 14-I-2012