The British Presence
in Southern Patagonia

+  +  Río Gallegos Cemetery, Prov. Santa Cruz +  +
Some "British" Names from the Burial Register (1971-1976)

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You are here:  Home Page  >  People  >  Cemeteries  >  Río Gallegos registers

Period: 1919-1950   ::   1951-1960   ::   1961-1970   ::   1971-1976

Name of deceased Date of concession
Beecher, María C. 25-X-1974
Bennitt [Bennett] Foster, Jessie16-I-1975
Biggs, Liliana [Lilian]9-V-1974
Burns González, Roberto O. 9-IV-1972
Buse, Mary Ann Margaret1-II-1972
Chapinan Ana (Amic Cormack) [Anne Chapman McCormick?]8-II-1971
Clark, Eduardo [Edward]9-I-1976
Clefton, Guillermo [Clifton, William]19-X-1975
Corbett, Luis R.19-III-1972
Cormack de Otero, Ruth27-III-1976
Cormack, Willams [William]25-III-1974
Craik, Alejandro [Alexander]24-III-1975
Davison Pacheco, José30-IX-1975
Dickie, Alicia [Alice] P.29-III-1976
Dikie, Guillermo [Dickie, William]12-V-1974
Finlayson Mac Farlane [Macfarlane], Peter1-XI-1971
Garrard, Peter Rudd link 13-IV-1971
Gordon Mackenzie, Hagh [Hugh?]8-XI-1972
Hawkins, Dilliam [William?]18-I-1972
Hendry, Guillermo [William] B.14-III-1975
Humphreys, Paula18-X-1975
Mac Donald [Macdonald], Donald7-X-1975
Mac Lerd, Jorge [Macleod, George]22-X-1974
Mac-Kenzie [Mackenzie], Colin20-III-1976
Mc.Coll, Sofia [MacCall, Sophia]12-III-1972
Morrison, Alexander H.7-II-1974
O'Byrie, Tomas Juan [O'Byrne, Thomas John]15-VIII-1971
Parsons, Carlos [Charles] E.12-VI-1972
Parsons, Claudio A.15-XII-1975
Parsons, Maceo A.12-IX-1974
Rees, Tomás [Thomas] E.11-III-1975
Roadbourne, Tomás [Radburne, Thomas] link17-VIII-1974
Scott, Ernesto [Ernest]29-IV-1974
Shuterland [Sutherland], Maggie15-VII-1975
Watson, Elvira link30-III-1971
Williams, Walter Alberto [Albert]10-V-1973
Thanks: Cemetery office
Source: Database of burials
Page created: 19-IV-2014
Last updated: 19-IV-2014